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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Ukraine tries to get grain out despite attack: What's at stake | DW News (Western Propaganda Media) never reporting the actual facts - always willing to believe Ukrainians Lies

While the West tries to strangulate Russia with Sanctions, they cry GEWALT ! The Russians blockade the Grain shipments !

YOU CANNOT have it both ways ! Lift the sanctions - don't just dictate your twisted perverted terms and expect Russia to comply !

Ukraine says it will push ahead with efforts to export its grain, despite a Russian missile attack on the port of Odesa at the weekend. Russia claims it was targeting a military vessel and arms supplied by western countries.

Saturday's attack came hours after a deal was struck between Russia and Ukraine to allow the resumption of Ukrainian grain exports. The deal is an attempt to alleviate a global supply crisis.
The concern over global food inflation is far from over. Global wheat prices jumped by 3 percent at the start of the week, following the attack on Odesa. Wheat prices dropped 6% on Friday, to levels not seen since the Russian invasion. But the weekend's bombing provided a reality check, showing that getting shipments out of Ukraine may not be as simple as once hoped.