God bless our Great Russian Nation

"Добрый день Россия - что мы можем сделать для вас сегодня? "
PMOH-Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва - Берлин - Иерусалим
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org.- Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem

"God bless our Great Russian Nation, our Motherland and Fatherland ,our Leaders,our Sons and Daughters,our Friends and Allies"

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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Кубанский казачий хор. "Сонце низэнько".

Кубанский казачий хор — Сонце низенько, вечір близенько.

Сонце низенько, вечір близенько. Спішу до тебе, моє серденько.

Спішу до тебе, та й не застану. Вийду на гору, та й плакать стану.

Голуб — голубчик, голуб сизенький, Скажи, голубчик, де мій миленький?

А твій миленький там, за рікою Склонив головку, стоїть з другою.

А як дівчина про це почула, Лягла на землю, навік заснула.

Ой, біжить милий мостом дліненьким. Накрив милую платком біленьким.

«Вставай милая, довольно спати, Як ми гуляли, будем гуляти !»

«Не встану милий, гуляй з другою, Бо моє серце вже під землею.»

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Ukraine tries to get grain out despite attack: What's at stake | DW News (Western Propaganda Media) never reporting the actual facts - always willing to believe Ukrainians Lies

While the West tries to strangulate Russia with Sanctions, they cry GEWALT ! The Russians blockade the Grain shipments !

YOU CANNOT have it both ways ! Lift the sanctions - don't just dictate your twisted perverted terms and expect Russia to comply !

Ukraine says it will push ahead with efforts to export its grain, despite a Russian missile attack on the port of Odesa at the weekend. Russia claims it was targeting a military vessel and arms supplied by western countries.

Saturday's attack came hours after a deal was struck between Russia and Ukraine to allow the resumption of Ukrainian grain exports. The deal is an attempt to alleviate a global supply crisis.
The concern over global food inflation is far from over. Global wheat prices jumped by 3 percent at the start of the week, following the attack on Odesa. Wheat prices dropped 6% on Friday, to levels not seen since the Russian invasion. But the weekend's bombing provided a reality check, showing that getting shipments out of Ukraine may not be as simple as once hoped.